<body> Hear me Preach!
Name: Marha
Age: 16 years of age
Location: Brunei
i am worth, $2,504,137

wants to be a firewoman, a toothfairy or an electric guitarist when i grow up =D

I Desire...

cargo pants
new mp3
new earpiece
those big BIG purses
a ferret
new pair of sneakers
Brendon Urie
a new (bendable) ruler

Lead You Elsewhere

Brunei Resources
Me on Friendster

Beautiful Ladies with Beautiful Minds

Me & my Past



September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007


Basic codes: Ebullient*
Image: Dozign
Brushes: Portfelia
Design: MeasuringSummer

Saturday, September 30

You're just another priceless work of art






You know, the guy who drew out from American Idol last year?
He's got his new single out!

I've ALWAYS been cheering for him.
but, American Idol is one show where they do not appreciate real talent.
He's so not worth being shot-negative-feedback-from-Simon for.
and was I glad that he drew out of the competition.
(though I kinda missed watching him).

Anypants, I was just lazing around after the terawih prayers channel surfing, and then when I got to Channel V, I froze.

I gapped.
I gasped.
I widen my eyes.
and I shrieked.

He hasn't changed A BIT!
His song, Gallery, is okay.
R&B, jiwang kind of stuff.
Doesn't show off a lot of his captivating voice.
It took me a while to actually like it.

Both him and his song :D

and by the way, he is NOT,

I repeat,





Ok, I was just being denial.
but whatever.


Ka Irlen said my short hair is high-lighting my cheeks, making them look chubbier.


Marha was here with you
11:53 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~


I just realised that the number one MOST talked/typed story in ones blog is either about
a) Grey's Anatomy,
b) One Tree Hill,
c) Prison Break
d) dan sebagainya

Siuk banar kah? i seriously don't know since all i watch is either MTV or Disney-slash-Nickelodeon..

Now before you start the oh-my-god-you-still-watch-cartoons shits, i just want you to know that cartoons are a privilege. So make yourself a favour and stop being naive.

Now where were we?
Oh, right. the TV series people obsessing about. my reasons for not following it are:
a) I can't find time to watch it
b) Even if i do, i don't have time to download it
c) and even if i do have time to download or buy the DVD, i'll be spending the whole entire day watching the whole season. Cause i simply can't resist the suspends. (thus, answering reason (a) )

and why is this wrong?
'cause then i won't do any of my homeworks/revision.

So from what i have read in various blogs, i decide that i might give them a chance to let my eyes wonder upon the screen that has the TV series (mentioned earlier) displayed on it.

After the exams that is ;) cause i'd be jobless then.

Speaking of television, something is seriously wrong about the one in the TV room.

Ah, yes.
The infamous television set of ours.

That television, has seen better days.

Now, it's just a wreck.
The quality has recently became poorer in a sense that it'll cast shadows, making it nearly impossible to watch a decent program.
It degrades my vision from all that straining.

So now, dad's thinking of getting a new plasma TV.

Marha was here with you
4:12 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Friday, September 29


i went to the salon to get my hair trimmed today. but my mom wanted me to cut some off since it's been showing out of my tudong. so then, i was like yeah, ok, fine whatever.

i thought i was gonna lose an inch or two, but no.

so it's now absolutely short.


aww.. I miss my sort-of-long hair oh-so-fondly!


so it takes some getting used to.

how screwed up.

Marha was here with you
2:47 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Thursday, September 28

English Oral Exam

everyone seem to find the oral exam enjoyable :)

it's waaayyyy BETTER than the malay oral exam.
as there were many laughing involved ;D

our conversation started off with what game to i like to play - which in reply i said DDR (Dance Dance Revolution), to karokae (sp?) with my dad, to P.Ramlee, then the O'Level preperations, to blogging, and lastly, why we should put a bomb on Mister Softy, since it's been interfering with little kids in their attempt to make a whole day of fasting.

such friendly fellows those examiners were :)

will you now give me an A?

Marha was here with you
3:15 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Wednesday, September 27

drowsiness on a Wednesday

i woke up for school at 7 today.
i had to rush through shower and putting on my uniform for 10 minutes!

bumped into Amal on the way to class, and she said i looked tired.
HECK, I was!
considering i had only 2-3 hours of sleep.
blame the internet.
so, teachers who thought that i wasn't paying attention in class - which was totally NOT true, cause i really was trying my best to stay awake throughout the lesson - may sue me in finding the internet rather interesting.


Chemistry... test... MCQs... payah.

Physics... revision... sleepy...
(but Ms Siow's high amplitude voice made my heart jump and my eyes wide open.)

Bio... mRNA... amino acids... essays..??

after recess we went to the auditorium for the Toronto Biology Awards.
damn was i sleepy.
but i try not to look drowsy as the photographers were happily snapping pictures at the students. now i don't want me in the pictures to look like a sober person, now do i? so i took out my mp3, listen to some high-volumed rock music, and joke around with my friends... so i might have this joyful-face-that-it-convinced-a-hell-lot-of-person-that-me-being-present-at-this-award-ceremony-was-really-exciting look, that the photographers would think that having me in the pictures was worth to be placed in their article in Borneo Bulletin or Brunei Times tomorrow ;)

the award ceremony didn't last til 11.
still had time for POA.
which we were again been given past years' MCQs.

as we were discussing over the answers, Teacher Dina told us some of the answers we answered were wrong, (when clearly Cambridge was the one who got the answers screwed up). so we spend 20minutes arguing with Teacher Dina why we're the one with the right answer. Teacher Dina agreed with us, but still insist that the Cambridge's report was right...

... in a confusing way, that is.

oh sigh.
Khaliq was so right about it being a conspiracy.

got home around half past twelve, and i went straight to bed..
...and forgot that i had tution at 2pm

woke up at ten past two with a panic. dressed myself and went for tution. on the way, Amal kept miss-calling me, in attempt to remind me that tution starts at 2 (you should've missed called me earlier, Mal, but i appreciated it though *winks*) got there at 2.30. at least i didn't miss out anything important, right?

im gonna turn in early tonight.
i can't resist the snugness of my bed after a looonngg drowsy day.

oh, and wish me luck!
For my English Oral exam is tomorrow

Marha was here with you
5:34 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

and don't forget your niats..

this post was meant for yesterday. but heck, better late than never.


Ku mengharaaapkan Ramadhan kali iniii penuh maknaaa
sumthing sumthiiiing sumthing sumthing dengan sempurnaaaa

if you don't know the song, than you should be ashamed of yourself. Raihan kaliaahh! i think, but please do correct me if i'm wrong ;)

Today my dear friends, is the first day of school in the fasting month,
and everyone in class were feeling hyper.

tell me now, what's wrong with that picture? (though nada picture aku post)

they should be feeling dehydrated and tired, and should stay put to conserve their energy for further use since it was only 9 o'clock in the morning. instead, they're jumping off the walls and laughing their heads off like lunatics.

I, for once, am not kidding.
they were really jumping off the walls.

but then, i have no complaints.
it's better that way,
instead of having them all look like hungry, energy-less zombies.

here's some tips in What to do and What NOT to do during fasting:

1) "khutbah cakap jangan cakap kusung masa puasa" - Khaliq
2) "kalau tani beair-con inda karing leher and tani gain energy lagi" -Mona
3) just sleep til 6pm if your a lazy bumbum (conclusion to Kahar's story)
4) try not to stare at your chinese friends' water bottle during class, and
5) watch Jejak Rasul while waiting for sungkai ;) - Nyla

got his from K-Ni:
oh.. and here's what my late grandfather used to say in his niat
"Nawaitu sauma radin, nasi di suap, lauk di pigang"
i so miss him. may he rest in peace.


im gonna go hunt for some cakoi di stadium now.

Marha was here with you
4:44 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Sunday, September 24

in letting you go i'm loving myself

whoa. scary.
is it me or is there really smog out there?

as i drew my curtains this morning (well, not actually morning, more like midday), i thought my windows were fogged up. rupanya jerebu..

is so alarming.


so today's the first day of puasa! YAY!
i was kind of hyper during sahur (ie. singing and laughing at bapa's messy-bed-hair-and-droopy-eyes look). considering i only had 2 hours of sleep, this is rather peculiar. then i didn't went straight back to sleep after subuh prayers (like i always did), i did some reading instead. went back to bed around 6am ...slept til 1pm. oh yeah, sleeping rocks. especially when you're fasting.

i want cindul for sungkai.


i kinda dig JoJo's new song, Too Little Too Late. i even got it on repeat. dunno why i like it so much. maybe because it seems to be revolving around my past occurance with this guy. and evethough i've totally gotten over it, i can't help to remember how useless he was and worse, how gullible I was, and that the secure feeling of my action towards it just gets stronger everytime i listen/sing to this.

i know.
i could really get all gushy sometimes.

Marha was here with you
3:29 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

My Life is Brilliant

Wednesday night left me feeling confused.

Babu flew off to KL to visit kaka Titie and famili. and as usual, everyone was too malas to cook. (me excluded, cause well, i can't cook). this leads to greasy (not to mention high cholestrol) takeout foods. then dad started to disappear just so to attend some, i don't know, meetings i suppose. so me and K-Nah decided on sushi. then, we got a call that my aunt was admitted to the hospital.

so we went to the hospital...
poor aunt, sebak dadaku nyamuuu. kan meruhung saja inda.
no really, im serious.
(i decide to not write about it, incase i might leave you feeling emotionally distorted.)

so anyway, K-Nah said she wanted to catch the 9.30 Miami Vice show. so i was like yeah whatever, but she gotta feed my rumbling tummy. since it was ten to nine, we reckoned that we'd take the sushi a raincheck and head straight to the Mall. on the way, we were talking about how hot Colin Farell might look in that movie, then K-Nah was like "siapakan tu?" and pointed out that there's this guy in the car next to us (masa arah that BIG roundabout) liat-liat, trying to catch my attention, and when we made eye contact, he was like waving, then i thought, oh hey, it's Hanif! and i smiled back before we turned to different directions.

turns out it wasn't him.

ok, so erm..

i just made goo goo eyes with a stranger.
he musta've thought i gave him the green light.
but, it's not my fault they look alike.
damn, whoever you are, you're so lucky that i smiled at you.
i never smile.
at random guys i mean.
unless he's hot. but whatever..

sampai Mall, bought tickets. and K-Nah bought me Jollibee skebetti.

i love Jollibee skebetti.
don't you just love Jollibee skebetti?
they're just soo...


anyways, the fries didn't arrive til the last minute the show was about to start. so kami pikir, bawa saja tia masuk eh. as my sister was giving the tickets at the ticket-checker guy, the other guy worker was looking at me holding the fries and gave me this look that says "you're not suppose to bring that in". so i just flashed my oh-don't-worry-i-won't-mess-up-the-place smile and fluttered my eyelashes.

i know.
two smiling-as-if-you're-flirting to strangers in one night.
that's soooo un-Marha-ish.

Miami Vice was just so..

confusingly boring.

we got in late, so i was tryina catch up. but i couldn't. the plot was all so jumbled up, i don't even know what the character's name was (leave alone what their mission was) and what's more disturbing was Colin Farrell wasn't even that hot looking. so i lost interest..

...and fell asleep.

and let me tell you, falling asleep in cinema means SERIOUS BOREDOM. if it wasn't for the explosions and gunshots, i would've drool over the lady's shoulder next to me. and what's with the endless intimate scenes? ever heard of censording?? there were like, kids watching it that night. hmph.

after that, we went to Coffeezone cause we were kinda hungry. and i didn't know about their BIG-ASS burger. haha..so i had fun watching my sister's friend figuring how to gobble it and how to finish it up :D somehow, i was craving for Onion rings. i don't even like onions. they make my breath stink. but thank god God invented breath mints ;)

random quote of the day:
"chipting nogud, gudting nochip"

Marha was here with you
12:16 AM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Friday, September 22

Elmo's on crack!

to those who doesn't spend their time watching YouTube..

I can't believe I'm laughing along with that wretched thing (his laugh is infectious). but yeah, it's cool that it fell and gets up on it's own, rolling on the floor and slaps his knee and stuff..

Marha was here with you
3:36 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Wednesday, September 20

Cendol Gulayan

Marha: YAY! inda batah lagi puasa!
Kahar: awuu
Mona: aku suka bunyi baduk
Khaliq: awu siuk ah. masatu lagi banyak makanan
Marha: aaahh... aku mau London Kebab..
Kahar: aiii...karang tah ku kesana eh. ai gila aku mau nampak bulan. cuti jua empat hari straight!
Marha: ai...awu ah. baru ku sadar
Mona: Begedil!! (sp?)
Marha: Cakoi!!!
Kahar: gila..siuk eh makanan masa puasa ani. ada Cendol Jerudong, Cendol Temburong, Cendol Gulayan...
Marha: aku suka cendol.. apa tu ah? yang si stadium ani...?
Kahar: antah.
Marha: eh, tunggu... gulayan?
Kahar: awu wah! gulayan! nyaman kaliah.
Marha: bukannya gulayan ani sayur kan?
Mona: eh awu wah. bukannya sayur kan?
Khaliq: sayur jua..
Kahar: *muka bangang*
Mona: eh GULANAU kaliah!!!
Khaliq: haaa...cendol si Kahar besayur!
Marha, Mona & Khaliq (plus c Piji): *ketawakan si Kahar*
Kahar: -.-

Marha was here with you
4:18 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Monday, September 18

I Felt Particularly Self-Righteous So I Decided To Brag.

1st Period: English

we had more of the pronunciation lesson again today (for the oral exam). Mrs. Whitehead wrote down some words on the whiteboard (words that people normally pronounce wrongly) and got each person to say it out loud.

Guess what she said about me?
She said that i can pronounce words beautifully. *blushes*

I remember, just a few months ago, when we had this mini-oral exam, where we had to read out loud from a book, and when it was my turn, Mrs. Whitehead stopped me and said that (and i quote) "I'm afraid to say that that's enough for now. It really is wicked of me to tell you to stop reading when you have a very nice reading voice. You sure do make a good mother when you grow up, so you can read stories to your children."

*grins cheekily*

i say, that reading-to-your-children part creeps me out.
seriously, after the Biology lesson last Saturday, i don't think i'm ready for that.
even when im 50!

3rd Period: Physics

Ms. Siow got herself a nice (and i'm guessing that it's new) black flowery dress today.
New glasses too!

4th Period: Chemistry

Sir didn't come to class

spend the whole 30minutes playing Collapse on Mona's phone. but then got into a mini-fight with Kahar cause he wanted to play it too. but i didn't surrender the phone to him til recess.


Kahar went out. played Collapse some more. didn't want to go down to canteen. ate some biscuits that tastes like chicken(Mona's). evesdropped on Nyla & Khaliq's conversation (it's really fun to listen to what in-love people talk about). then Mona's phone ran out of battery. hmph.

spent the next 15minutes babbling about random stuffs.

6th&7th Period: Principle of Accounts
(this is where the palau-ness starts)

Mona was checking her Friendster on Ilyaa's phone.
teacher gave us past year's MCQ papers.
Kahar being lembap and hyper.
Mona lapar.
Kahar lapar.
Marha lapar.
Kahar mencari makanan.
Khaliq sasak.
Khaliq ruah bag for some food to make Kahar shut up.
Khaliq keluarkan biskuit HELLO PANDA!
Khaliq bagi Kahar Hello Panda.
Marha & Mona sulking pasal Kahar karit inda mau share.
Kahar finally got to his soft spot and gave some to Marha & Mona.
Hayaah mengintu.
Nyla & Khaliq continued be-dating.
Marha & Mona malas buat keraja.
Marha & Mona liat-liat friends from Friendster yang cawie-cawie yang dapat di ucap, and yang lawa-lawa yang dapat di envy, and to drool on (guys, not girls).
kami pathetic. but it's not our fault POA is boring.
Hayaah, Wafi, Nyla, Mona & Marha sama-sama solve some anagrams from Text Twist.
Hayaah, Wafi, Nyla, Mona & Marha suka main Text Twist.
Marha & Mona bising mengumpat.
Kahar sasak.
Kahar suruh kami buat keraja.
Teacher Dina marah Kahar pasal ia bising.
Kahar said that its not his fault and that Mona & Marha were not doing their work.
Teacher Dina still on Kahar's case and that ia inda pecaya Mona & Marha are not doing their work.
Kahar "marah" and lari kedapan arh si Piji.
Marha, Mona & Hayaah ketawa-ketawa.

omg. this is pointless.
im sorry.
i'll stop.

oh one more thing.
i have the ability to make Zakri feel turned on by just singing this certain phrase from JT's Sexy Back.
i feel so powerful.

actually, i was mimicking the song, and when i got to this part:
"dirty babe, you see these shackles baby im your slave. i'll let you whip me if i misbehave"

Zakri was like, "whoa, that's such a turn on"

bite me.

speaking of JT, i watched MTV Music Awards last night.
two words,


eventhough i knew they won the Best Video Awards, i can't help but to squel and shriek like a lunatic. K-Nah was annoyed by that, screw her, Panic!'s hot! so is Brendon. and Ryan too. i don't care that Brendon's got bottled this one time (according to Kahar), he still is a good singer to me.

and yeah, everytime P!ATD was focused on, i squeled.

Brendon looked soooo fine when he sang. i sat still infront of the TV, eyes glued on him, and even drool came out.

he's got such a cute butt.

Marha was here with you
6:44 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Saturday, September 16

Sing! Sing! Sing!

I'm not crazy, I'm just a little unwell.
I know, right now you can't tell.
But stay a while and baby you will see,
A different side of me.


You have 158 unread messages in your inbox.

I have LOADS of junk mails to clear.
Oh c'mon...

Ease on the spams will ya?

And yes.
Do I look like I need free patio furniture or some annoymous insurance?

Free patio furniture?

the 2-hours of Biology today was surprisingly entertaining.
to a certain extent that is.
topic was on Child Birth and Birth Control.

and you know what?

I'm in shock, yes.




Entertaining part was when we started with the Birth Control. This is what I've learnt.

Reasons why guys should go for Vasectomy:

1) Of course we start off with the classic reason; to not conceive any child.

2) Do it secretly (as in, only you know you've done it). So, you'll know whether your wife has been cheating on you. ie:

wife: Darling, I'm pregnant.
husband: Who's child is it??

Reasons why guys should NOT go for Vasectomy:

1) To conceive more children.

2) In case of second marriage.

No more missus stick-your-nose on computer screen. It's bye-bye virtual fun and hello revision studies. (Note to self: Welcome schoolbooks with open arms. Hostility? Don't even think about it, Marha.)

My personal life is near to excrement.
See how my life seem to be revolving about mother studies-are-the-only-thing-i'm-concerned-about?

God, I'm so screwed up.

Like, hello?
Remember to breathe.
(just in case i left that out on my schedule.)

I HAVE TO start mugging.
The O'Levels are just around the bend, and I'm still not doing any self-revision right now.
Well, the computer's tempting.
I really love the internet.

It's so....


I feel sick.
My stomach's churning so bad, gunk would totally spew if I don't arrest it.

Marha was here with you
10:22 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Thursday, September 14

cita-cita saya

i just had my malay oral exam.
lets out a huge breath that could blow the candles on a birthday cake of a 100 year old.

while waiting for our turns, we talked about everything that might come out like "Idola Saya", "Penyakit Berjangkit", "Dadah" and so on.

so i started to talk in bahasa melayu standard, yapping away about my Idola - which i chose to be Steve Irwin (may he rest in peace), my "cita-cita" (i decided to bluff that i wanna be a Pilot), what i think of "pekerja asing di negara ini"...

and the list just go on..

anyway, the real exam u ask?
i say, it was FUN!
and boring at the same time.

the fun part was me rambling about my cita-cita.
and the boring part was the examinors' lack of interaction towards my non-stop blabbing.

i don't blame them, they're probably tired considering that im the last 4 person.

actually my topic perbualan was about "peranan doktor" or something.
but i totally couldn't think of the malay work for "examine"
turns out examine is "memeriksa"

anyway, after my 5minutes of silence (okay fine, less than a minute), they changed the topic to "cita-cita saya".

i was like, WOW! i could totally do this, since i was rehearsing it before. this is what the perbualan is like:

examiner: apakah cita-cita dayang?

saya: cita-cita saya adalah untuk menjadi seorang juruterbang kapal terbang. ini adalah kerana, jika saya menjadi seorang juruterbang, saya boleh bekerja sambil melawat negara-negara yang menarik.

examiner: eh, juruterbang ani di awan jua ganya.

saya: *ketawa* itu memang benar, tetapi apabila sampai kedestinasi yang dituju, juruterbang itu akan diberi cuti selama beberapa hari. dan dalam beberapa hari itu, dia boleh melawat ketempat-tempat yang menarik dan juga dia boleh membeli-belah.

examiner: kalau doctor bulih jua terbang melawat kenegara-negara asing. (majal kali examinernya ani eh)

saya: ya, itu memang benar. tetapi doktor memerlukan perbelanjaan sendiri. kalau juruterbang segala perbelanjaan telah dikendalikan oleh pihak tertentu. lagipun, jika saya sudah kaya, saya akan membeli sebuah jet persendirian supaya saya boleh belayar bila-bila saja saya mahu dengan keluarga saya.

then, i wanted to talk more but..

examiner: bah atu saja


actually, what i wanted to say was:

"malangnya, mata saya rabun. kan itu adalah salah satu ke*importance*an jika mahu mengambil lesen juruterbang. jadi saya sekarang mengumpulkan duit saya untuk per*sumthing*an (laser treatment bah)..." and so on..

see? i have so much to talk about, but she cut me.

Faris was being his funny-self as usual. his tajuk perbualan was something about peraturan jalanraya. the examiner asked him, "kalau traffic light rusak apa terjadi?" and he answered, "banyak orang BERkorban"


Marha was here with you
4:30 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Wednesday, September 13

Paolo Nutini

i know.. i know..
im suppose to be on hiatus. abeden, i just can't help it.

i was getting ready for bed when my MTV Alert pops up, and it said:
You Hear It First: Paolo Nutini

and so, thinking that this guy might be worth 10minutes of my life i clicked on it.

You Hear It First

from Paisley, Scotland
sounds like Gavin Degraw meets John Legend with a Scottish brogue

the "sounds like" part made me totally interested in this Italian-named but is-a-Scottish guy. i was in awe, staring (and probably drooling) at this hot version of James Blunt, as he sang in this amazingly-capitaving-sarut-sarut kind of voice which gave me chills (and it still does). and then there was a part where he was talking in a Scottish dialect, which somehow, kind of turned me on ;)

anyway, Paolo Nutini, a 19 year old singer/songwriter blessed with a soulful, passionate voice and the natural gift of being able to tell a story in a song. Like many of the truly inspired singer/songwriters before him, Nutini has absorbed the soul of classic artist from both sides of the Atlantic and channeled it into something original, captivating, and dynamic.
-taken from MySpace.

LOVE his music. i've downloaded his songs from MySpace
i guess you guys know now that im already obsessed over him ;)
no Brendon anymore i guess huhu~ well, maybe a little..

thus, i'll leave yous with Paolo's performing his song Last Request.

notice how he pronounce his time;
tayme :D

Marha was here with you
11:17 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Tuesday, September 12

crickets chirping


new layout
i love~
*big smile*

yesterday was first day of the fourth term.
(did i get that right?)

on the way to school, i saw this hot guy, in a car, on the other side of the road, near the traffic light dapan Teknikal. and damn! he looked so much like Wade Robson with his hair and tan and everything.

i kid you not!

omg! he even looked hot in a school uniform!
and he had this cool-serious-hot look on his face when he was talking to his dad.
omg! hotness!!!

but since we were going in the opposite direction, i could only stare at him for 9 seconds.
and guess what?
for like, 4 seconds!

that, my fellow friends,
was the kinkiest 13seconds of my life!
*all smiles*

oh wow.
i sound stupid.

but whatever..

aahh...what a way to start the day..
*dreamy eyes*

it was utterly tiring towards the end of the day.
had Physics during the very last hour (2pm)
Hayaah and me kept doozing off, almost having our heads banged on the table.
thank god Ms. Siow didn't see that.

went home.
dropped my bag somewhere.
took off my tudong.
and with my socks still on, i lay on my bed motionless.

didn't get up til 7pm!

so that was my uber Monday.
though it started off nice.
*smiles weakly*

ok so i leave you guys with this post.
as im going on a hiatus,
my 2 months hiatus..

wish me luck for my O'Levels.
im so gonna get those stinkin' 8Os...
..or maybe even distinctions

who knows..

Marha was here with you
11:47 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Sunday, September 10

number of pearls consumed today: 133

im friggin' bored!

im so jobless im counting the pearls in the pearl milk tea im having right now.
and so far i've had 26 pearls already...

hariatu i've reached sampai 147 pearls! hee~
and that's just the medium sized one.
im talking about EasyWay ah. not Kokoberry.
Kokoberry inda nyaman pearlsnya as EasyWay.
kadang-kadang karas jua pun. inda masak pearlnya.

bah, bah, tukar topic tah ni...
i know you guys are not into pearls as i am.
screw you!

school holidays are coming to an end!

scream, screech, squel, shriek, shout, yell!!!!!
tomorrow will be the start of the stressful-tiring-non-stop-studying term.
and also the prologue of the O'Levels:
the oral exam.
on Thursday...

if this means the beginning to it, so be it.
i shall go fourth, and go with pride.

number of pearls consumed: 58

ooohh~ look what K-Ni got me.
an Italia t-shirt!
see: http://www.marhinha.blogspot.com/

i need to put in links eh.
tapi nanti saja k.
too malas.

anyway, thanks KA! =D

number of pearls consumed: 70

there was a cousin's wedding di Kapok this morning.
went there.
and guess what?

ada urang atu sama kain nya macam aku!!!
*dies of embarrassment*

but at least my shoes are prettier than hers

nopc: 102

i miss playing DDR.
NOT the one at the arcade.
arcade punya membari sasak.
lagipun kalau kalah inda dapat main lagi. mesti bali token lagi tu.

so i was thinking of downloading Stepmania.
but then, i don't have the friggin' mat!
another thing added in my list of things to do/buy after O'Levels.

total nopc: 133

Marha was here with you
4:44 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

The Devil Wears Prada

yup, just finished watching it.

yes, it's kinda boring.
but what interest me to keep on watching it was

the clothes!
the shoes!
the bags!
the way they put on their make-ups!

oh wow...

come on, Jimmy Choo people!
shoes that give us girls a taste of heaven..

and those designer bags...
i want one of those

daddy, can you buy them for me?
*flutter eyelashes dearingly*

Zatil told me the book is way siuk-er than the movie.
so i'm looking forward to get it.

but then, i'm suppose to be broke right now.

oh sigh

Marha was here with you
1:01 AM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Saturday, September 9

let's have fun chasing cars

i am now


no, really.

spent my last $20 on a book called Princess of Park Avenue. i've been meaning to buy it since May, but i didn't have any money at that time. skali bila ku kesana lagi abis stock! hmph. so now i've finally got them. YAY!

it's not a book about a snobbish princess by the way. it's about this girl called Lorraine Machuchi, and she's actually good in making a wonder out of people's hair, but she works in a swanky salon somewhere in Brooklyn. then she's got this new job in Park Avenue. and she got totally psyched about it....

im gonna stop there.
'cause im just on page 61.
which is the fourth chapter.

tapi siuk ceritanya!
jiwang jua pun!
i like~


it's the holidays. and i haven't hung out with my friends.
(exception at Amal's party and extra classes).
which means i haven't set foot at any hangout spots.
or even the Mall.
leave alone the cinema.
banar. inda ku menipu.
all i did during this week was
eat.sleep.online.study.blogging.watch TV.chatting.

im in a rot.


tadi aku bejalan sama K-Nah.
looking for kains (yes, again).
so it doesn't count.

look at whats written at RanoAdidas.com:

"School holidays. I love school holidays.. Not that I'm like studying. I wish I still do though. Anyway, school holidays are the only time you see teenagers with weird clothings, gothic outfits and make-ups. Not that it's a bad thing but it's funny how it's a seasonable thing."


now, i feel that its worth not going out.
pasal inda paedah-paedah saja ku buat dusa mengumpat.

ok so not only im now penniless,
we're also WATERLESS!

well, that was yesterday (or was it the last two days?).
today was no better.
well, maybe a little.
but the water pressure is very weak, inda naik ketingkat atas! so me and K-Nah had to shower di bawah. tapi inda jua naik aying atu ke shower, so paksa tah pakai hos! bebaldi begayung apa. hahaha... old school man. =D but im cool with it. asal mandi. sajuk eh aku mandi tadi pagi..tekajut badan.

i just got off K-Ni's blog.
cool. limited edition Nike shoes are so worth buying.
logonya tulisan jawi.
which can't get any cooler.
more info:

oh, i just watched Hide & Seek on Star Movies just now.
(yes aku baru meliat)
it's sick!
sick i tell you.
but i guess it's too late to warn you guys since that movie was like what? last year??
i don't like that movie.
membagi sasak. emotional ku.
stress pun ada ulihnya.

so um,
if you haven't watch it and you're planning to catch it sometimes,
i suggest you don't.

by the way,
i have a confession to make;
i love Teddy Geiger's music.

"if i could dim the lights in the mall and create a mood, i would shout out your name so it echoes in every room..."

Marha was here with you
12:00 AM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Thursday, September 7

Girls in white dresses, sleeping with roaches

i asked my dad for the guitar. and he said nanti lapas O'Level saja.


i love him =D

speaking of Bapa, when we were on our way home from lunch yesterday, there was the "Tokyo Drift" song on the radio..whats it call again?? you know the "wonder if you know..sumthingsumthingsumthing ikiyo..."

whatever. you know that song right?

anyways, he turned up the volume and started to sing along.
in a high pitched voice.
with made up lyrics.
tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.
and bobbing his head to the beat.


dang! i should've record that moment.

he looks so funny singing to that song

i mean,
him with a tupi haji?
with beuban-janggut?
and beuban hair?


im so proud of him


it's been a month i've been hunting down Muse's BlackHoles & Revelations original album. but i see no sign of them ANYWHERE!

i hate Brunei for its preference of pirated cds over an original one.
it makes my life miserable when it comes to completing my album collection.

oh sigh.

help! anyone??

oh, and i wonder if Airholes' album is already in stores..


K-Ni told me ada Keds bargain di Brisbane the other day.

buy 1, get the other one HALF-PRICE!

lucky duck!


im thinking of going on a hiatus when school reopens.
need to stop blogging and concentrate on my studies.

chatting on Msn
2-hours of reading stuffs from 11 different sites
1-hour of watching videos from YouTube
30 minutes blogging away about shits
and another hour of watching videos on YouTube

will not help me in my O'Levels.
well, maybe except for English papers.

anyway, so thats 4 hours and 30 minutes
of my life
in a day


has GOT to STOP

so when school reopens, im going to lock my CPU away in a room, and ask my mom to hide the key.

i hope i can live the next two months without the internet.

Marha was here with you
11:25 AM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Wednesday, September 6

sabar sajaa

went out with K-Nah yesterday to look for kains. she bought me 2 kains and is willing to pay for the tailoring jua. oh, she bought kains for my two other sisters jua each.

is suprisingly nice of her

and i will not question her generosity

THANKS, KA! *big smile*

ok, so altogether i've got like, 6 bajus for raya..
WHICH i may not get the chance to wear all of them

because of the O'Levels

oh bummer

Marha was here with you
7:54 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~


aku majal.

i just LOVE it!
i can't stop listening to this.
kan? kan?
it's addictive.

i think im gonna start learning how to play guitar.

but first
i need Bapa to buy me a guitar
an accoustic one dulu
then i will master my skills and buy an electronic one
and play this piece endlessly

Marha was here with you
3:42 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

the start of something new ;p

new site.

im tired of my old blog.
i want changes.
i love changes.
don't you?

will write again later.
ani testing sajaa :)

"I'm the lead singer...I'm the singer! That is some respect!"
- Brendon

yes, im still into him ;p

Marha was here with you
3:26 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~