<body> Hear me Preach!
Name: Marha
Age: 16 years of age
Location: Brunei
i am worth, $2,504,137

wants to be a firewoman, a toothfairy or an electric guitarist when i grow up =D

I Desire...

cargo pants
new mp3
new earpiece
those big BIG purses
a ferret
new pair of sneakers
Brendon Urie
a new (bendable) ruler

Lead You Elsewhere

Brunei Resources
Me on Friendster

Beautiful Ladies with Beautiful Minds

Me & my Past



September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007


Basic codes: Ebullient*
Image: Dozign
Brushes: Portfelia
Design: MeasuringSummer

Wednesday, November 29

Babu LOVES my new shoes!


Okay. Enough said.

Marha was here with you
6:38 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Monday, November 27

The Scientist (better version)

Like I promised, here's The Scientist.
A better one I hope.
Oh, and the camera can only go up to 3 minutes so it got cut off in the middle.

I didn't know my pinky finger looks retarded when I'm playing.

So since I'm jobless throughout the month, I think I'll work on my Clocks so it'll the the next video.. *shrugs*

Marha was here with you
12:11 AM <3

~think happy thoughts~


new video!
well, its not all that good or anything. but i tried.

so here's unfaithful.
(i like the music but i didn't like the singing so i cut it short)

Marha was here with you
12:09 AM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Sunday, November 26

random list

My room is in a mess.

My laundry is pilling up.
My school books need to be sorted out.
My stuffed animals are out of place.
My wallet is hiding in the massive pile of handbags.
I only have five bucks in the wallet.
I'm running out of clean towels.
I'm running out of shampoo.
I'm running out of toothpaste.
I need a new toothbrush.
I'm running out of shower gel.
I lost my favourite lip gloss but I think it's in one of those handbags.
I'm running out of CLEOs to read.
I need a new DVD.
There's 11 windows on the first floor of my house.
I never knew there's so many POA worksheets that I don't even try to attempt to finish.
Biology notes are damn THICK.
I lost my phone charger, and my phone is making those annoying low-batt sounds.
I seriously need toothpaste.
and new scented candle.
I need a new perfume.
and a new pair of jeans.
I never knew I've burn so many CDs.
Yearbooks are boring, except for the part where I'm in the photos.
I need to change the freakin duvet.
This chair is squeaky.
I found my long-lost stuffed hedgehog.
I forgot about my new pair of shoes K-Nah bought me, and it's still in the box.
Ditto the matching bag.
I have a McFly album (euw).
Maksim's album, The Piano Player, still rocks my sound tastebuds.

And this computer needs some SERIOUS reformatting.

Marha was here with you
7:44 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Daddy come hooommmeee~

So um. Hello.
You probably wondering where I've gone to these few days.
Well, uh...

Damn,I seriously don't know what to write.
So I guess you know now why I haven't been updating.
I think I've lacked inspiration, since my dad is gone for more than a week.
God I miss him. Only three more days to go.

Nothing much has been going on in my life that would interest you to read.

Oh, but there's the Raya-slash-Teacher's day yesterday.
And walking around the freakishly huge school wearing stilettoes is the BIGGEST mistake I've ever made.
Other than that, it was fun.

And I made Tiramisu for the big makan-makan part.
(thanks to Ka Irlen for helping out)
This, is probably the HIGHEST achievement I've made in Marha's history of cooking.
Kahar even said it tasted good for a beginner.
*nostrills flaring*

Marha was here with you
7:13 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Sunday, November 19

The Scientist

And now, I present thee.....

.....messy lantai!

Yup, this is what happen when the study table isn't big enough.

Yes, I'm pretty much jobless right now.

Oh and this one is made for K-Ni. I'll try to post a better one. Played in both hands (was too damn lazy to lift my left hand that time. huhu), and a better singing voice too. hehehehe.

p/s: Yes, my piano playing isn't in sync with the sound. but whatever.

Marha was here with you
5:13 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Why oh WHY??!!!!

The Astro isn't working. Bapa probably forgot to pay it again.
He's out of the country at the moment, so who's gonna pay the freakin bill???? Siapa nah? SIAAPPPAAA???? And how am I suppose to cure this boredom illness if there is no TV???

This is it, people.

I am going to die!!!!!

Marha was here with you
3:30 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Kahar's party

We chilled.
We ate (food was GREAT. Casserole, Kahar! I want those Casserollee!!)
We talked.
We joked around.
We played on the bouncer.

Amal, Wafi and I rode around Kahar's kampong using his bikes. I faced my fear of riding-down-the-hill. Turns out it was pretty fun with that speed and everything. Amal stopped at some random house that's having a "rumah terbuka" and wants to have a karokae session with some Bruneian singer that I've never heard of. but Wafi and I insist that we don't want to join considering we were soaking wet. So we rode around again while waiting for Amal.

Then we head back to Kahar's place.
Played on the bouncer again.
And this time someone practically sat on my face forcing my head underwater for like 50 seconds.
NOT a wonderful feeling considering I COULDN'T BREATHE.
But it was kinda funny when I think about it again.

It was Khal's last night in Brunei so might as well take pictures!
Then we cerita cerita and stuff and went home~

Now my body is aching.

p/s: too malas to post in pictures

Marha was here with you
2:28 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Saturday, November 18


I was just downstairs channel surfing, and I got to Channel V, I saw My Chemical Romance, and Gerard Way's new look reminds me of Billy from Smashing Pumpkins.

The next thing we know Gerard's gonna shave his head off.
Am I right, or am I right?

Marha was here with you
1:04 AM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Friday, November 17

Tight pants! Tight pants!!!!!!

Isn't this just the most adorable thing?

Yeah, I know the picture is as if it has been like photoshopped, but whatever. It's just ADORABLE! and those pants! Damn, he does know that tight pants can make him not have babies, does he? Or maybe that's just the point. And how is he suppose to breathe in them????

But all in all, he's like, one of those rare guys that does look good in them. And that is why, I want to make out with him someday.

Bite me.

So since my mission right now is to kill time, I think it's best that instead I sit around feeling envious of the people who get to see the tour, let's talk about the pictures, shall we?

Then we shall!

The set looks divine! So does Brendon.

I love Brendon's costume! Check out them TIGHT PANTS! and those BOOTS! Jaket suits him very nice. Racoon eye makeup is okay. Though he could so totally look good without it.

Ryan's got himself a new guitar! And he's back wearing that hat again! YAY RYAN!! The shirt looks uncomfortable. His pants got holes at his thighs! Damn. What is he thinking putting them holes that high? Kill us?

Spencer with fake moustache! ROFL! I feel like going "Areeba! Areeba!" eveytime I see this picture. It means he looks like a Spanish/Mexican dude, if you're like lost or something.


This puts a smile on my face.

This melts my heartstrings.

This turns me on.

This turns me on even more.


Marha was here with you
11:20 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Thursday, November 16

Lame-ass Invigilators

Invigilator #1 "Before you go out, we're going to do a bit of a house-keeping"
In our words, check our drawers for any sampah.

Invigilator #2 "I guess some of you need to do some treasure-hunting before we collect your answer sheets"
In our words, go look for your missing string.

Well, whatever.
*big smile*

Marha was here with you
11:55 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

I'm.. I'm Coming...!

I'm coming out~
I want the world to knowww~
Got to let it shoowww~

If I were to have a movie montage for tonight, that would be the soundtrack.

Well, I was suppose to go out tonight.
Abeden, ada tahlil arah Angah's.
So yeah, got it rainchecked til tomorrow.

Still had fun though.
Courtesy of the lovely-yet-whacked cousins, Melissa and Liyani, who never seem to fail when amusing me with their lame jokes.

Ah, whatever will I do without them when they (probably) move to New Zealand next year?
Miss them endearingly, I shall.
I mean, we practically grew up together.
We even saw each other naked during showers for Pete's sakes!
When we were just toddlers, I mean.
Not in the present day.

Sheeesh! How perverted can you be?
hee hee.. nadawah.
I kid! I kid!

I just got myself a new extension wire.
The past few days were HORRIBLE.
There was this basi-burning smell coming out from the old one, and I got all panicky 'cause well, karang angus, mana cali tu!
So yeah, I dislocated everything that connects to the CPU and the socket and everything.
Then I nagged my dad to buy me a new one on the way home from Angah's tahlil.
And sheeesh! I thought 3 metres were enough!
Rupanya inda.
I have to have 5 metres kali.
Whatever. Pokoknya, mesti di tukar wayar ani.

So, what movies are showing in the cinemas right now?
My movie knowledge is like, so outdated.

Let's see... hmm..

Casino Royale. em no thanks. James Bond are for the 40 year old people of the world.
Happy Feet. Penguins!!! OMG! These are like the cutest things!
Nana Tanjung. I SHUN Saiful Apek of the world.
The Grudge 2. Boring.
Death Note. Was given great reviews. Maybe I'll go check that one out.
Flushed Away. hmm.. Will see..
The Covenant. What's this movie about anyway?

Damn, I'm bored.
And sleepy.
*Looking forward to Kahar's party*

Marha was here with you
11:18 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Wednesday, November 8

Panic! String Quartet Tribute

Hello people!
Other than the topic mentioned above, I'm also writing to tell that..

... I'm still alive.
(Despite that I'm still recovering from that vicious Malay paper).

I was doing my daily reading last night from various sites.
And I came across a String Quartet Tribute album to Panic!

I tend to be giddy when it comes to these kind of things.
So, yes.
I've downloaded the whole album.
And it turned out as what I've expected.

Listening to the album made me want to stand up, prance around like little ballerina pixies, and sprinkle stardust on everyone else.

Other than that, it makes good soothing music for one of your many late-night revisions.

The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage may be my favourite among the bunch. So, go click the title to download it. You won't regret it. Banar! *anguks kepala convincingly*

And click here if you want to download the album.
And you may want to sign up first to download the album.
Don't worry, it'll only take a jiffy.

Marha was here with you
5:09 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Thursday, November 2

Bahasa Melayu Paper 2

Three words.




And those two years of studying peribahasa wasn't even worth it.

p/s: Expect less posts from me. I'll be having continuous exam papers starting Monday.

Marha was here with you
7:39 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Wednesday, November 1

Darn pipette filler

I had my Chemistry practical yesterday.
The titration part was easy-peesy.
No, really.
The only thing that bothers me was my pipette filler!
It was so annoying I tell you!

Like, when I press it to suck the solution up, and it reaches the mark, I let it go, but it still going up, so like, I panicked, cause if it goes inside the filler, then.. I don't know.. it'll be trouble I guess. So I quickly press the "E" thingy, the solution goes down, then I let it go, it comes back up... and this goes on and on..
Mona, who was beside me, could practically see me struggling, and making long sighs and everything.

Trust me, it was fucking hard to discard the filler quickly (when the solution still going up and up) without messing the table.

And that's like 2 minutes of pure agony.

Second part was something to do with gases and reducing and oxidising agents. This bothers me A LOT since everyone have different results.
So yeah.

In the afternoon was my POA paper1 exam. Since it was my first written exam, I finally came face to face with the head of invigilator that's making everyone ticked off. Even the way she talks and how she looks at us is putting me off.

So, is it the invigilator, Cambridge or the MOE whos making those stupid rules? (But we all know the invigilator's the one who made them) Here's some of them rules we've got to follow:
  1. Pencilcases should be left outside the exam hall.
  2. No calculator lids. Yes, LIDS! Sheeeesh!
  3. Since it was an MCQ paper, we won't be using our pens. So she told us to put them (our rulers too) under our chairs. Oh, for fucking sakes! As if the pens and rulers are going to help us cheat. Like, ah whatever.
  4. No mobile phones. (Now this one I can take)

So, anyway. Everyone has agreed that the head of invigilator is one hell of a witch. So please God, I beg you of giving us the patience to put up with her for two weeks!

Marha was here with you
11:44 AM <3

~think happy thoughts~