<body> Hear me Preach!
Name: Marha
Age: 16 years of age
Location: Brunei
i am worth, $2,504,137

wants to be a firewoman, a toothfairy or an electric guitarist when i grow up =D

I Desire...

cargo pants
new mp3
new earpiece
those big BIG purses
a ferret
new pair of sneakers
Brendon Urie
a new (bendable) ruler

Lead You Elsewhere

Brunei Resources
Me on Friendster

Beautiful Ladies with Beautiful Minds

Me & my Past



September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007


Basic codes: Ebullient*
Image: Dozign
Brushes: Portfelia
Design: MeasuringSummer

Wednesday, December 27

I am depressed.

I just wrote a hell long post just now when my 2 year old niece came into my bedroom and pressed the switch off button on the keyboard, and flushed down all the (what seems like 30minutes to write) post.

That's not the main reason why I'm depressed by the way.
There're lots of things.

So now I'm de-depressing myself by going for Heroes marathon!
Yeah man.. New obsession!
Siuk ah Heroes ah. Baik tah membali boxset nya...

I'll write a decent post tomorrow untuk ganti this post.

Jeez..!!!! Why did I have to doodle his name EVERYWHERE???!!!

Marha was here with you
1:37 AM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Sunday, December 24

It's getting dusty in here...

Wow. It's been a while since my last post. It's mostly because of
(a) malas
(b) computer lakat lagi di kadai
(c) malas
(d) sibuk
(e) eSpeed was being a bitch again, and
(f) malas.

Yup and I just got home from Brisbane last Friday. Great holiday (lots of shopping and manis guys) xp

I'm not in the mood to go out with my friends YET. Lakat lagi mengalih eh. Maybe tomorrow. How's that movie Eragon doing? Siuk kah?

Oh ya..
Kahar!! You still need to belanja us makan!

Anyway, the whole family is here. So meriah jua sikit. One of my other reason to not go out. I think I'm starting to get use to this stay-at-home-instead-of-hanging-out-with-my-friends thing (jeez, that is so unlike me).

and I am slowly wasting away...

So, until I get ahold of my computer, will post some pictures.
(Still not in the mood to blog bah ni banarnya)

Marha was here with you
2:46 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Monday, December 4

Alright, people..
Brace yourselves for the most adorable thing ever seen!



aying liur daanngg.. and look at those chubby arms!

nice hair-do eh?

teeheeheee.. you know what this reminds me...? Teletubbies.

I saved the best for last... XD

Marha was here with you
9:19 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Sunday, December 3

Google.com.bn???!! whaaaaaatttt??

Do you guys notice the new window for google.com?

Ada BRUNEI bawahnya ah.

and and ada "Saya Rasa Bertuah" button!!!!

Excuse me, but it sounds funnier in malay.

Marha was here with you
12:20 AM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Saturday, December 2

Movie list #001

Undoubtly, you know what the title means.
So lets get on with it mkay?

1. The Inconvinient Truth
2. The Pursuit of Happyness
3. Shrek The Third
4. The Guardian
5. Eragon
6. Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
7. Spiderman 3
8. Harry Potter and the Flight of the Phoenix
9. Pirates of the Carribean (whatever the 3rd movie is called)
10. BORAT (like seriously, I need a good quality DVD for this one)
11. Tenacious D: The Pick of Destiny (Nada urang mau liat ani sama akuu)
12. Ocean's 13
13. You, Me and Dupree

has to go watch these underlined, italic, and bold movies



Make an appointment with me now; yes, ME!

Marha was here with you
11:51 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~