<body> Hear me Preach!
Name: Marha
Age: 16 years of age
Location: Brunei
i am worth, $2,504,137

wants to be a firewoman, a toothfairy or an electric guitarist when i grow up =D

I Desire...

cargo pants
new mp3
new earpiece
those big BIG purses
a ferret
new pair of sneakers
Brendon Urie
a new (bendable) ruler

Lead You Elsewhere

Brunei Resources
Me on Friendster

Beautiful Ladies with Beautiful Minds

Me & my Past



September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007


Basic codes: Ebullient*
Image: Dozign
Brushes: Portfelia
Design: MeasuringSummer

Wednesday, January 31

Kain Kelabu, Baby!!

I was just wondering....
Heroes ada theme song kah?

Anyways, the results were out yesterday and..
I passed!!!
Though I didn't get the fancy 6As.. 7As... 8As.. sorta thing.
But I did manage to get 8Os!!
So, YAY!!!

There were a few complications as I was trying to make my way to the front of the examination result board because the damn kids (aka the Form 2 girls) were trying to find out what urang yang dorang suka atu (as mentioned by them) get for their O'Levels.

Jeez girls.
Stalking much?

aaaaaanyway, it was all emotional after we found out what our results were. Izyan was kind enough to give me a shoulder to cry on when I had that depressing phone conversation. But after that, it was all good..

I'd just like to say,

So cemana ni?
Form 6 baby!
But, it's kinda scary when everyone keeps saying "A'Levels may be the hardest thing I went through in all my life!".

What do you think?

I think I can't wait for the next episode of Heroes to get posted up on peekvid!

Marha was here with you
9:10 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Friday, January 26

My short movie reviews

aahh... What a day... What a day....
K-Ni totally drag me into the Haka dance. Sampai sakit belakang nya.

Anyway, yes. I think watching The Sweetest Thing has become a daily routine.
22.. 28.. 22.. 28..
*ketawa tebahak-bahak*
mkay... Kalau inda paham sorry keh? Mesti di liat tu movie ah.

Finally got to watch The Lake House last night. Damn, sedih cerita atu eh. SEEEDIIHHH!!!! Inda masuk akal, tapi sedih!!!! But romantic pun. If K-Ni wasn't in the same room, I may have started sobbing.

Ah, another movie that I've recently watched was The Last Kiss.
Ani movienya membagi stress sikit.
I thought it was a "girl" movie (I mean, come on, namanya ah. Ada Rachael Bilson lagipun).
Tapi inda. It's sort of a "boy" movie.
Like the guys kana pressurised (sp?) ulih their love ones, and they can't stand it anymore. And things got pretty nasty after that...
Anyway overall, bagus jua the storyline.

So anyway, rumour has it the O'Level results are coming out tomorrow.

So this is it people.
The moment of truth.
This is when the two years of my life in Form 6 will be decided...

(And I'll decide it if I want to share my results with you guys or not)

Marha was here with you
10:17 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Saturday, January 20

and you're leaving on a jet plane.....

Blood Diamond is the shit!! Yup, it was that siuk. Rasakan meliat lagi sekali. I actually like DiCaprio in that movie. and I think he and that Soloman guy each deserve an Oscar. and the accent... ooohhhhh the accent!!! siuk!!! It was a very kesian movie jua pun. But I didn't cry. K-Ni did anyway (biar ya kana soal *inside joke*).

Tadi I did some hardcore work with bapa. What work you ask?; Menabang pokok rambutan.

Well, sort of. Bapa did the menabang part and I did the collecting the rambutan part. Banyak "manster" eh arah backyard ah. I no likey. I guess the insect repellent didn't work since I got them mosquito bites all over me. Nyeh.

I think I'm falling in love with Russell Crowe all over again (batah dah inda meliat Gladiator, til last night). He so reminds me of Ryan Atwood, but K-Ni can so have him for all I care. It's Russell that matters to me now. XD

and Chris (the Muse bassist). He so needs to shave his head. He's better off bald. Like, seriously, Chris = bald = HOTSTUFF!!!!!

The house smells like durian.
But it's my immunity to it is what bothers me most.

Marha was here with you
2:31 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Friday, January 12

I had Honey Stars for breakfast

I didn't know community service can be quite.... interesting.
That's what I decide to join for my CCA this year, by the way.

Nope, we didn't scrub any toilets... yet.
But we did help out the PRA students with their colourings and cutting and pasting.
Damn those kids talk like my aunts.
One of them even have this "kedayan" accent (NOT kidding).
Well, who can blame them? They are from Kampung (or is it Kampong?? I can never get the "O" and the "U" right!) Ayer. And they're damn naughty-in-a-cute-way little rascals fighting over the damn paste (or crayons).

So yeah, it was all good.
Even the boat ride (nyeh).

My homeworks are pilling up like mad. I've got 13 math questions, physics exercises, chemistry pass year questions and newspapers to read for GP, all of those I have to finish by tomorrow.

And what have I achieved by now, you ask?;
A heated up DVD from all the 8 episodes of The OC Season 2, and Clueless.

And that's how ignorant I am.
NOT that I'm proud of it. I WANT to change but... old habits die hard XP

Went for a little shopping yesterday with Babu.
She forbids me to buy any undergarments that's made out of polyester from now.
And why you ask?
Turns out polyester are unhygienic (sheesh! Now she tells me!) and it doesn't let the skin to breathe (or something like that). I don't know. But that's pretty much what she said.
Oh sigh. That bra from Pierre Cardin looks really pretty.

The house seems empty with only me and Babu in it.
Curse my sisters for not buying me an extra ticket for KL.
(Hey, I can miss 3 days of school right?)
And there better be those albums I wanted or they're gonna pay!
*eyes glaring*

And also those damn Twiggies I've been craving since... FOREVER!

Marha was here with you
12:51 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Monday, January 8

I'm in total envious....

OF KHAL!!!!!



I didn't know they were gonna do their tour in KL...

Anyway Khal, are they still selling them tickets?
I wanna gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....!!
I wantttttt!!!!!
Khal! Take me thereeeeeee!!
I can miss a Monday, right?

Marha was here with you
7:10 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Sunday, January 7

Tell me it isn't true...??

Wafi said that Azim said that Brendon Urie is gay.


He is just too damn adorable to be gay.

Eventhough I now am resisting to Panic's music, I still think that Brendon is the most cutest guy EVER!

I for once am refusing to believe such fiasco.
Evenso, Melissa and I just can't help but to mourn over this catastrophic news.

Marha was here with you
9:46 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Patience my young padawan.

Yesterday, was a Saturday. It was also the second day of school.
And ooohh! Lucky me. I got a Physics homework already *detect sarcasm*.
Guess what some of the questions ask me to?;
Estimate the size of
(a) diameter of a strand of hair
(b) mass of an apple
(c) volume of a human head
(d) temperature of....
ah.. Trust me you don't want to know the rest.

So basically, I'm now Google-ing for the answers.

And talk about shit!
My head is spinning when I got to the homogeneous equation questions.
I mean, I know how it works but, the questions are out of the world!
Textbook lagi nada untuk kan di reference.
Tough luck, man.

Anyway, masa ani aku sedih.
Pasal Kaka Titie and Abang Nik and Aimin and Hannah belayar udah kemarin!!
So did AmalWedad!!!
Mehurung ku eh inda teantar ia keairport ah.

Pasal apanah?
Maritah ku ceritakan...

Since AmalWedad had the same flight as my sister to KL yesterday, I saw their boarding pass said the flight was at 6.20pm. And since my sister and her husband was taking it for granted that we live near the airport, they said that we'll go around 5.30ish. Skali sampai ke airport, arah that board thingy cakap the flight was now boarding and that the flight was suppose to be at 6pm. So, everything went hectic starting that point, and I didn't get the chance to say goodbye.

So, siapatah kan di salahkan ni?
Siapa nah SIAPAA???!!!!

So, now I'm saying sorry to you, Mal, if you're reading this.
I'll see you soon, love! XD Kalau ku kesana...

Anyway.. I better get back to that vicious Physics homework pasal aku mau liat Star Wars on Star Movies karang at 10.

So, until my next post, behave people.
And may the force be with you.

Marha was here with you
9:18 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Wednesday, January 3


The right side of my earpiece isn't working!!!!

Fucking nicotine!

Marha was here with you
1:35 AM <3

~think happy thoughts~

School's Back!

So I'm starting school tomorrow.
I missed my friends oh-so-dearingly!

I bet most of them went to the beach party at the Empire yesterday.
Lucky ducks!
I couldn't come due to the family function that we had no exception to it what-so-ever. But I'm not going to complain since there were Nini's home-made cooking involved.

So you guys probably wanted to know how I spend my New Year's eve yadayadaa shits.
Well, I spend it with my family.
Watching Star Wars III (yeah baby!) on Star Movies, munching those chocolate covered popcorns and imitating the sound of lightsabers. But the little family gathering went a little wild when that "susu-dalam-bottle" incident happened (sorry keh! You have to be tight kalau mau tau the whole story).

Yeah. Pretty normal night. It was AidilAdha anyways. I didn't want to upset it by celebrating New Year's instead. It's not fair for Raya Haji now would it?

My computer lakat lagi di kadai ah.
Mati wahh.. I've gone computer-less for more than a month!
Baik jua banyak laptop di rumah ani.

Am going back-to-school shopping tomorrow.
Yup, pretty last minute.
But that's just the beauty of it.

Marha was here with you
1:03 AM <3

~think happy thoughts~