<body> Hear me Preach!
Name: Marha
Age: 16 years of age
Location: Brunei
i am worth, $2,504,137

wants to be a firewoman, a toothfairy or an electric guitarist when i grow up =D

I Desire...

cargo pants
new mp3
new earpiece
those big BIG purses
a ferret
new pair of sneakers
Brendon Urie
a new (bendable) ruler

Lead You Elsewhere

Brunei Resources
Me on Friendster

Beautiful Ladies with Beautiful Minds

Me & my Past



September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007


Basic codes: Ebullient*
Image: Dozign
Brushes: Portfelia
Design: MeasuringSummer

Wednesday, February 28

Scandals, and so much more snoggings

I'm so going to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.

Marha was here with you
8:18 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Monday, February 26

KL "Red Carpet"????? (serrriiiiiouuuussss)

Incorrespondence to The Annual Academy Awards in LA, the local Malaysian celebrities gather (awal pagi buta!!!) to watch the Oscars (i reckon they watched it on a BIG TV SCREEN), while having free breakfast at Jalan Bukit Bintang.

Ok so, WHATS GOING OOONNN???? Can they be anymore pathetic??
So here's some of the things that I HAVE GOT to share with you:

1) AC Mizal and wifey: Whas goin ooon? Blood diamond? A legend?? Dude wat are youuu??

2) Camelia looked pretty uncomfortable. The dress was pretty though, but she kept usai-ing her dress, tugging the front of her dress and stuff. Doesn't she know that that is sooooo against the "RED CARPET" rules??

3) Ani paling mahal ni. K-Ni and me couldn't just stop laughing. Erra Fazira rambutnya tenaik(inda betantu berabis)!!! Daaannggg cubatah cek dulu before naik kerita atu (Oh, and speaking of kerita, I'll get to that in the next point). Oh, and she said Finding Nemo (FINDING NEMO!!) is her favourite movie. Uhm, mkay, that's like sooo five years ago man. Pliiiisssssss...

4) I think kan, kerita dorang dua buting saja. Like, they gather all the artists in one place, get two cars (sama brandnya pun) and just make rounds from one place to the Bukit Bintang place (HAHAHAHA..kasiaaannn).

5) I think Mawi should be banned from all Red Carpet ceremonies. pasal.... ia inda tau apa apa. SERIOUSLY, HE DOESN'T KNOW A THING ABOUT THE ACADEMY AWARDS. Ia cakap pasal Salma Hayek tah pulang. JEEZZZ...!!! Seriouslyyy... What do people see in him??

6) Yang paling nada in the book of Red Carpet, (and it bugs the hell out of me) was the salam-ing part. No really, they shake hands. I mean, the celebs and the peminats (yang line up along the red carpet) SHAKE HANDS!!! Weren't the celebrities suppose to just walk along the friggin' carpet and look pretty??

7) From a reality show to red carpet. Were the winners from Amazing Race Asia deserve a Red Carpet moment? Inda ku paham eh...

So in conclusion from the above statements, I just don't see the point why they dressed up in clothes worth thousands of dollars, gather together at 8 in the morning, in front a big tv screen, while having breakfast, when they could just stay at home, in their PJs, where no one (like me) can make bad comments about their unorganised hair.

Marha was here with you
7:50 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Tuesday, February 13

Now that's what I call an EPIC MOVIE

Now that K-Ni mentioned it, barutah teingat.

Remember back then I once said that Blood Diamond was the shit?
Well, scratch that. 'Cause...


Mel Gibson is a friggin' genius! (SALUTE!!!) He's the best director/creator (whatever "-or" you call it) EVER!! Well, right after George Lucas and Quentin Tarantino that is.

Anyway, I was just wondering about the casts. Inda payah kah dorang ngapalkan lines nya atu? That's like an old old old ancient language right? Skali dorang kan polish their accent lagi, baik inda batah tu dorang blajar? And and, dari mana si Gibson mencari urang-urang mukanya cematu atu kan? I mean their faces macam urang native brabis... k I'm gonna Google them for a sec...

...but then, I'm too damn malas (and don't have the time, unlike K-Ni) to Google them right now. So, I'll wait til the weekends then.

Si Rudy Youngblood (darah muda) aka Jaguar Paw MANIS!!!! This is taken from his official website:

Rudy Youngblood, also known as Tee-Dee-Nae (which means "Strong Boy") is a gifted grass dancer (HAHA!), pow-wow singer and artist. Rudy is of the Comanche, Cree and Yaqui people and was raised in Washington State, Texas and Arizona. His pow-wow circuit has taken him throughout the United States, Canada and abroad. In June 2005, he relocated to Los Angeles to pursue several new endeavors; of which, included a prospective career in acting.

Oh, and I just read somewhere that the casts are REAL natives (COOLIES!). Well, I guess my question has been answered then.

Marha was here with you
3:40 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Monday, February 12

Grammys 2007

I'm quite dissapointed in this year's Grammys.

I mean, who the hell is Dixy (whatever) Chix???? And why did they win so many Grammys????
I've never even heard of them til tonight! Nama macam restaurant yang di Mall atu. (aahhh....nyaman ah fries nya ahhhhh). cawieee... Countries lagi tu eh.


Marha was here with you
11:00 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Who are you people to mock my BIG-ASS school shoes?

They're called DOC (friggin') MARTINS and they can be used to kick them people's ass who made fun of how big and bulky they are. Trust me, you don't wanna be one of them, 'cause it hurts baaaaaaaaadddddddd... Wafi should know.. Ask him about his bruise.

So anyhooo, Babu, K-Nah, K-Ni and me went out to watch Qabil Kushry Qabil Igam this afternoon. (Yeah, it sounds pretty lame by just reading the name). And boy, did the person sitting next to me cried sooo bad. The storyline was pretty much like this:

Think of anything horrible, screwed up things that could happen in ones life, get Hans (friggin') Isaac and watshisname (?) to be the main actors, the most touching-loving-tear-jerking line that you can think of your siblings would say to you, put them together, and you pretty much have the whole movie right there.

Gosh, wasn't it the most fucked-up life the family got there? Sooooooo kasian... I tried my best not to let my tears fall 'cause nanti kana soal (*). K-Ni said it's pretty much Hindustan-ish movie cause everyone died in the end.

(*) Babu & Bapa keep telling us not to waste our tears on something that's not worth it (like after watching The Notebook, for example) 'cause nanti during the hereafter, kana soal why did you shed your tears?? Was it because you abandon the rules....?? etc.

So, kalau putus cinta atu jangantah menangis kali pakah ah..... No gud.

Marha was here with you
7:55 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~