<body> Hear me Preach!
Name: Marha
Age: 16 years of age
Location: Brunei
i am worth, $2,504,137

wants to be a firewoman, a toothfairy or an electric guitarist when i grow up =D

I Desire...

cargo pants
new mp3
new earpiece
those big BIG purses
a ferret
new pair of sneakers
Brendon Urie
a new (bendable) ruler

Lead You Elsewhere

Brunei Resources
Me on Friendster

Beautiful Ladies with Beautiful Minds

Me & my Past



September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007


Basic codes: Ebullient*
Image: Dozign
Brushes: Portfelia
Design: MeasuringSummer

Friday, March 9

It's the end of a love story..

Moved to



Marha was here with you
10:15 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Monday, March 5


So, this morning, I woke up at 6 AM as usual. Was a little lethargic so I slept for another 10 minutes before getting into the shower. But turns out it took more than 10 minutes. It was 6.40!! but not to worry fellas, school's just around the corner. Anyway, while showering, I sang I'm too Sexy by Right Said Fred just to get my morning started. After washing off, I opened my eyes and there was a brown gecko on the toiletries shelf. And my toothbrush was only like 3 inches away from that reptile. I totally wanted to scream but I was afraid that it would scamper closer to me or something.


On the other note, while I was waiting for my ride home from school, there was this junior sitting at the staircase to the Auditorium. Funny, I was staring at the guy's eyebrows while subconsciously touching mine. I know it’s a little insensitive but he kinda has caterpillar eyebrows. Yeah, so anyway, on the other hand, my eyebrows resemble nothing of a caterpillar (I hope). My eyebrows are thin (sort of) but a whee bit bejurit. But I'm waaaaayyyy luckier than K-Ni - who used to have mono-eyebrow (nyahahah.. mcm Count Olaf).

Speaking of K-Ni, damn that girl's been working all afternoon mencat bilik tamu rumah Abang baru. You should've seen her covered in paint and sweat *ketawa* NOT a good sight. Why I didn't help her you ask? Well, she insist that I watch She's the Man instead.

I am SO looking forward to the holidays next week (YAY-UM!!). But before that I've got to go through the Parent-Teacher's Meet this Saturday (OWH BOOOHOOO). Let's hope Bapa gets very busy that day that he doesn't have time to come to the meet. I mean, it's just the beginning of March for God's sakes, half of my teachers (well, ertinya dua urang plang ganya tu) doesn't even know my name yet. And I'm usually very very VERY quiet in class (well, apart from GP), and I'm sure my dad doesn't want to hear that, considering he has heard that for 5 friggin' years. Tapi cemana kan tu? Becerita payah, inda becerita payah.

I'm gonna go rethink my life now.
Toodles noodles!

Marha was here with you
9:03 PM <3

~think happy thoughts~

Friday, March 2

Disrupted trains of thoughts

It’s 1.33am.
The house is quiet (apart from my dad's snoring), you could practically hear a pin drop from the lower floor.
And the stereo's belting out one of Sinatra's number.

Misconducts of the day:

1. Woke up at around midday.
2. Did not go to school ('cause I'm plain lazy to attend the cross country).
3. Thus, did not do any schoolwork today.
4. Was watching television programs one after the other, and determined to shoo away any thoughts of completing any work at all.
5. I've learn that The Queen is the type of movie that can put me to sleep within seconds.
6. So I watched Devil Wears Prada instead and drooled over their Jimmy Choos and Marc Jacob's bags.
7. Sat thinking about what will happen in the next episode of Heroes.
8. Consumed two roti canais for dinner.
9. Was thinking about the upcoming 300 Spartans movie.
10. Am lazying in bed, comfortably (actually, i’m feeling a wee bit uneasy by the angle of my neck.) propped up by a pillow, and fluttering my eyelids now and then, edging closer and closer to weariness.

Alright. Slap me on the temples of my head then. Rustle my hair till it’s madly tousled. Goodness, I could not be more happy than to wake the next morning and scribble into more worksheets and workbooks.

Maybe I’ll even top tomorrow off with a new haircut.

Marha was here with you
1:11 AM <3

~think happy thoughts~